A Special Gift for You…
Join Author, Teri Werner, for Four Group Sessions.
Are you ready to live in Triumph after a time of trauma you call a train wreck? Now is your opportunity to learn personally from Teri Werner in group sessions as she leads you into pivotal insights and paths for healing that are shared in her book, exploring each of the four phases of healing.

A Special Gift for You…
Join Author, Teri Werner, for Four Group Sessions.
Are you ready to live in Triumph after a time of trauma you call a train wreck? Now is your opportunity to learn personally from Teri Werner in group sessions as she leads you into pivotal insights and paths for healing that are shared in her book, exploring each of the four phases of healing.

Don’t Miss Out—Join the Journey to Live in Triumph Today!
- Come to the four sessions willing to learn.
- Bring your copy of “Train Wreck to Triumph” to your sessions.
- You will receive an email with details of schedule options to join four – 30-minute Author Insights Group Sessions.
Reading Suggestions
A Special Thank You to Dr. Carolyn Leaf
With great honor, I express my sincerest gratitude to Dr. Caroline Leaf for granting permission to use quotations and knowledge that I have learned from her lectures and her brilliant book. “Switch on Your Brain.”
Her books and videos have become a resource I share with my audiences, enthusiastically endorse and gratefully include in this book to support your capacity to live in Triumph.
“Switch on Your Brain,” “Think, Learn, Succeed,” and “The Perfect You” by Dr. Caroline Leaf.
“On Emotional Intelligence,” author compilation – Articles by Harvard Business Review
“Learning to Learn” by Trinidad Hunt
“The Promise to The One” by Jason Hewlett
“The Root of Rejection” and “The Mind is the Battlefield” by Joyce Meyers
“Scripture for Prayer” by Stephen and Barbara Arbo
“Freedom from Your Past” by Jimmy Evans and Ann Billington
“The Bait of Satan” by John Bevere
“Battleground of the Mind” and “Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind” by Joyce Meyer
The many books authored by Elizabeth A. Nixon, Esq, will bring vital information to your spiritual and personal growth. She skillfully unpacks biblical and practical insights regarding their importance in her books.
Terry MacAlmon, Worship Musician and Leader, New Glory International, The Ministry of Terry MacAlmon, available at NewGloryInternational.org
“Governing Principles of Brain Activity”) by Edgar Garcia-Rill, Ph.D., Elsevier, 2015.
“On Emotional Intelligence,” an author compilation, Harvard Business Review Press, 2015.
Dr. Herbert Benson, MD, President of Harvard Medical School’s Mind-Body Institute
MindBody.hmscme.com and BensonHenryInstitute.org
“Local and Nonlocal Effects of Coherent Heart Frequencies on Conformational Changes
of DNA,” by Glen Rein and Rollin McCraty, Proceedings of the Joint USPNIAPR Psychotronics Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1993, HeartMath.org
“Modulation of DNA Conformation by Heart-Focused Intention,” by Rollin McCraty et al., HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath, publications no. 03–08, Boulder Creek, CA, 2003. HeartMath.org